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Exploring Extreme Music and Marginalized Communities Bibliography

This LibGuide is a American Libraries Association Carnegie-Whitney grant-funded bibliography that examines extreme music written by and about marginalized communities, such as women, people of color, and individuals that identify as LGBTQ+.


  • Barone, S. (2015). Metal identities in Tunisia: locality, Islam, revolution. Modern Heavy Metal: Markets, Practices and Cultures: 185-94.
  • Baulch, E. (2002). Creating a scene: Balinese punk's beginnings. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 5(2), 153-177.
  • Dawes, L.. (2015). Challenging an ‘imagined community’: Discussions (or lack thereof) of Black and queer experiences within heavy metal culture. Metal Music Studies, 1(3): 385-393.
  • Moore, R. E. (2013). Elevating the underground: Claiming a space for indie music among Bali's many soundworlds. Asian Music, 44(2):135-159
  • Grant, S. (2017). Resistants, stimulants and weaponization: Extreme metal music and empowerment in the Iraqi and Syrian civil conflicts. Metal Music Studies, 3(2): 175-200.
  • Schaap, J., & Berkers, P. (2013). Grunting alone? Online gender inequality in extreme metal music. IASPM Journal, 4(1), 101-116.
  • Jocson-Singh, J. (2019). Vigilante feminism as a form of musical protest in extreme metal music. Metal Music Studies 5(2): 263-273.
  • Manea, I. M. (2015). Primal roots: Ancestry and race in extreme music discourses. In Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (pp. 185-193).
  • Overell, R. (2012). [I] hate girls and emo [tion] s': Negotiating masculinity in grindcore music. Popular Music History.
  • Overell, R. (2016). Brutal belonging in other spaces: Grindcore touring in Melbourne and Osaka. In Youth Cultures and Subcultures (pp. 89-101). Routledge.
  • Radovanović, B. (2016). Ideologies and discourses: Extreme narratives in extreme metal music. AM Časopis za studije umetnosti i medija, (10), 51-58.
  • Riches, G. (2011). Embracing the chaos: Mosh pits, extreme metal music and liminality. Journal for Cultural Research, 15(3), 315-332.
  • Sollee, K. (2015). Mining the Motherload: Mastodon’s# twerkgate and sexual objectification in metal. Metal Music Studies, 1(2), 271-277.
  • Vasan, S. (2011). The price of rebellion: Gender boundaries in the death metal scene. Journal for Cultural Research, 15(3), 333-349.