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Film & Image Services

Moving Image Collections

Support all six CalArts schools’ curriculum, research, and study. Formats include streaming video, digital files, DCPs, DVDs, Blu-rays, VHS, ¾” U-matic, laserdiscs, as well as 16mm and 35mm film prints. 

CalArts Teaching Moving Image Collection

Supports in-classroom presentation, teaching, research, and study. Items are acquired primarily from distributors, individual filmmakers and artists, and streaming vendors. This collection’s focus: 

  • Experimental and independent film, animation, documentary, and film history studies
  • Contemporary art, artists’ videos, and performance
  • Dance, music, and theater performance

Contact your school’s librarian for purchase requests or use our online Purchase Request Form.

CalArts Schools' Moving Image Collections

Actual work or performance documentation from all CalArts’ schools. Includes student and faculty performances, student, faculty, and alumnx films, and student thesis projects. The current collection includes:

  • School of Film/Video student, alumnx, and faculty films
  • School of Dance documented performances
  • Some School of Music and School of Theater performances

CalArts Institute Archives Moving Image Collection

Recorded materials from the Institute Archive that document CalArts history. Includes documentation of events, visiting artists and filmmakers' lectures and presentations, REDCAT and CAP documentation, promotional and publicity materials, and other recorded activities.

CalArts Moving Image Special Collections

Materials determined to be primary, unique or rare, in addition to the materials in the CalArts Schools' Moving Image Collections or the Institute Archives Moving Image Collection. Acquired from donors, CalArts Schools, or Library purchases.

CalArts Streaming Video Databases

In addition to our physical media collections, the Library also subscribes to a number of streaming video databases such as Kanopy, Swank, Electronic Arts Intermix, Bloomsbury Video Library, and Projectr. A full list of video databases can be found here.

Dance Camera West Collections

Collections donated by the Dance Camera West organization in 2013, and include:

Dance Camera West Dance Media Film Festival Collection
445 films screened at the festival from 2002 to 2011. 

Dance Camera West Research Collection
Contains over 750 films given to the founding director, and other festival entry films.

Access & Viewing

The DCW collections are available for viewing in our Library for all researchers. Non-CalArts researchers:

  • Refer to the Library’s hours to plan a visit. 
  • Schedule an appointment with the Film Services Manager, or the Film & Image Services Librarian.

Items in these collections are not interlibrary loaned.

Collections items may be borrowed by CalArts faculty and are limited to fair use face-to-face in-classroom teaching.

How to Find DCW in Library Catalog

All DCW films may be found in the CalArts Library catalog

For a list of all DCW films, use the search phrase, “dance camera west”.

Or use a call number search, “nu:dcw”.

For a list of films screened in the Festivals, use the search phrase “dance camera west dance media film festival

For a list of films in the Research collection, use the search phrase, “dance camera west research collection”. 

Origin & Future

The Dance Camera West Dance Media Festival organization generously gave their archive collection to the CalArts Library in late 2013. Library Film & Image Services Librarian managed the organization, preparation for access, and preservation of these collections.  The team who made these collections available consisted of a Dance Heritage Coalition fellow (summer 2014), Library Image Services Manager, Library Systems Librarian (cataloger), and many hours of student assistance.

These collections provide a significant body of dance on film materials to researchers. In the future, the Library hopes to add more current years to the collections, and to make accessible the Dance Camera West paper archives.

CalArts Library
24700 McBean Pkwy
Valencia, CA 91355

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